Marcia Cunningham

Marcia Cunningham was born on April 4, 1952, in Marceline, MO, Marcia is the daughter of Dale and Eileen Edgar. Marcia was a Marceline High School Class of 1970 graduate and was very active in her high school Student Council (Secretary), a cheerleader, NHS, Foreign Language Club. Marcia knew from an early age that she wanted to be a teacher – a Spanish teacher. She pursued her dream and graduated with a B.S. degree from Northeast Missouri State college, Kirksville, now Truman State University. She spent the next 32 years as a beloved teacher and mentor at Brookfield R-III High School. Her steller teaching career included 25 years as Student Council advisor, 7 summer trip coordinator for students, "General Gene Herlbut Teacher of the Year" award, CTA President and served on numerous committees throughout her tenure. Marcia is a member of Immaculate Conception Church where she continues to serve as a faithful servant to her God and her church, is a 40-year active member of Beta Sigma Phi sorority, member of North Central Missouri YMCA, and a volunteer and worker for all things Brookfield. She is currently an invaluable staff member of the Brookfield Area Growth Partnership and is program coordinator of the Brookfield Leadership Academy. Marcia volunteers for Piccadilly for the Park, Main Connection Revitalization Committee, Great Northwest Days at the Capital, Clean Up Brookfield, and Twin Parks Summer Festival.