Philip Cole Couch

Philip Cole Couch was born December 29, 1923, the son of A.T. "Archie" and Ethel (Swank) Couch. Philip lived in Linn County all of his life and was a graduate of the BHS Class of 1942.

Following graduation, Philip was inducted into the US Army Air Force. He served in World War II, earning the Good Conduct Medal, Distinguished Unit Badge, APT Ribbon, American Theater Ribbon, and Victory Ribbon. When discharged in April of 1946, he held the rank of Sergeant.

He married Martha Jean Evans, and they were parents to Alan and Jan (Couch) Vaughn, both graduates of Brookfield High School. Philip was an active citizen of the Brookfield community. He was a member of the First Christian Church, serving as a Deacon and Elder.

He was Scoutmaster for the Boy Scouts of America for over two decades. At a time when CPR was known by few, Philip used this scout training to revive an individual at a basketball game, saving his life.